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Why I Will Not Ask Your Child to "Say Cheese" On School Photo Day

school photo of girl with bow in her hair sitting on a red bench

Why I Will Not Ask Your Child to "Say Cheese" On School Photo Day

School photo day is a tradition that many of us remember from our own childhoods. The excitement of getting dressed up, standing in line with our classmates, and finally, that moment when the photographer says, "Say cheese!" But let’s be honest—how many of us look back at those photos and see ourselves? More often than not, those forced grins don’t really capture who we were as kids.

That’s why I take a different approach when I photograph your children. I believe that school photos should be more than just a snapshot; they should be a reflection of who your child truly is at this moment in time. And that means I will not ask your child say “cheese.”

Capturing Authentic Expressions

When you think about your child, what comes to mind? It’s probably not just their smile, but the way their eyes light up when they’re excited, the serious look they get when they’re thinking hard about something, or even the little smirk they give when they’re being silly. These are the moments I want to capture—the ones that show their true personality. Asking a child to say “cheese” often results in a stiff, unnatural expression. It’s a moment where they’re more focused on pleasing the camera than being themselves.

The Beauty of Imperfection

One of the most beautiful aspects of childhood is its unpredictability. Kids don’t always do what we expect, and that’s what makes them so wonderful. In my experience, its these moments that create the most memorable photos—the ones where your child is being completely and authentically themselves.

When you remove the pressure of getting a "perfect" portrait, you end up with a photo that tells a story that is far more interesting and meaningful than a posed shot. These are the expressions that will make you smile years from now when you look back at these photos.

A Stress-Free Experience

School photo day should never be a stressful experience for your child. My goal is to make the process as easy and enjoyable as possible. I take the time to connect with each child, letting them warm up to the camera at their own pace. If they’re not feeling like smiling, that’s okay. If they want to show me their serious side, I’ll capture that too. There’s no pressure, no rush—just a relaxed environment where they can be themselves.

Timeless Memories

In the end, what I hope to create are timeless memories. Photos that you’ll cherish, not just because of how your child looks, but because of how they feel. These are the images that will remind you of who they were at this age—their personality, their spirit, and their individuality. And that’s something a “cheese” smile just can’t capture.

So, when it’s time for school photo day, know that your child won’t be asked to put on an act. Instead, they’ll be given the space to be who they truly are, and I’ll be there to capture it all, one genuine moment at a time.


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